Nicola Larsen - at Larsen Paint Finishes, brings over 25 years of expertise to your hand-painted kitchen or furniture project

Nicola Larsen
Nicola Larsen and her 7-year-old Spanish Rescue dog, ‘Kala’
Nicola Larsen
I left Farnham Art College in the early '90s and went traveling for a while- those were the days! I worked in Greece as a nanny for three summers before deciding to use my artistic love and skills to make a career, and some money. In 1995, I went self-employed and was lucky enough to find work very quickly and learned on the job in London and the UK, being schooled in the finest aspects of paint and metal effects. I have worked in castles and cottages, townhouses and studio apartments, bars, and restaurants. I love what I do and it shows in my work.
Please note I work to a price, rather than set hours. When I am on the job you will see I just do not stop. (Apart from exercising the dog! ) I live in the beautiful South Downs area near Liphook (on the border of Hampshire, West Sussex, and Surrey) with my husband, Niels, a rug specialist (, and teenage daughter. We share our lives with a 7-year-old Spanish rescue dog (Galgo/Podenco mix) called ‘Kala’, along with 'India' and 'Harry', our cats and a new addition of Minnie a Rag Doll kitten!

Please send us your images and measurements to receive a quote
On acceptance we will visit you for a colour consultation